How are the best EV dealerships determined?


Shoppers use lots of factors when selecting a dealership. For Recurrent's Best EV Dealership awards, the research team tries to analyze objective factors that can improve the EV shopping experience and odds of being paired with a great EV.

Best Used EV Dealerships

In 2024, the research team analyzed used EV inventory by month to determine an average or expected number of used EV options at each dealership, trying to account for monthly fluctuations.

We also segmented total inventory into a variety of makes and models. In other words, does a dealership offer 20 options in one vehicle model or 20 options in 10 models? The used EV market is overwhelmingly made up of one manufacturer at the moment, but we tended to favor some variety over very limited variety.

Other selection factors that support EV shoppers: 

  • Federal Rebate: dealership supports the time-of-sale federal tax credit up to $4000
  • EV Insights: details on remaining battery warranties and used EV range provided on vehicle listings

Here are the 2024 Best Used EV Dealerships.