Used car prices are always fluctuating. When supply is low, prices tend to go up. We saw a historical example of this in 2021 and 2022 following supply chain shortages in 2020 - record high prices had the entire industry watching. On the other hand, when a brand slashes prices on new models, the older (used car) values tend to go down. This has been happening over the past 6-8 months with Tesla, as prices for new models are being lowered.
To complicate matters, other factors affect the used car market: different prices between regions, local rebates or national tax credits... well, understanding your electric cars value at given moment is not simple.
Verified pricing for connected cars
EV owners who connect to the Recurrent platform for free can continuously monitor their car's value. You car's year, make, model and trim is compared to real-time values from industry-leader Blackbook then assigned a good battery premium based on your range and battery performance. These features help you command more for your trade-in when it's time to sell. And, Recurrent can help you do that, too.

If you plan to sell your EV in the coming weeks or months, you can look at real offers from EV expert buyers. These buyers place a premium on vehicles with good batteries and range. No spam or commitments, just offers you can accept or ignore.
Monthly free EV value estimate
Some EV owners cannot connect to Recurrent. For example, some vehicles have a 3G modem that is no longer supported. Other models are not supported.
Don't worry, we are working on an option for you!
Each month we scan tens of thousands of dealership websites to provide an estimated low and high value for a pre-owned electric car based on its make, model and year. Things that would impact the actual value would be vehicle condition, software (like Full Self Driving) and odometer. Luckily, most owners can still verify the value with EV expert buyers when getting close to selling.
Values are shared with non-connected Recurrent members each month as part of the monthly EV research roundup. Keep an eye on your inbox next month for the email and valuation from Recurrent!